maandag, december 18, 2006

going nowhere fast

going nowhere fast
Originally uploaded by Blinky Pitz.
I know numerous The Kids In The Hall shows by heart, and quotes pop out way to often. which makes me chuckle and others think I'm demented.
Or I'm thinking 'What Would Clint Eastwood Do?' which makes me grit my teeth and say things like 'My mule don't like people laughing" when all the nice lady behind the counter asked was how I'd like my coffee.
But yelling ' You're god-damn right I ordered a code red! ' in a Jack Nickolson manner usually helps get me through mondays.

Beeing a movie nut is not always easy.

woensdag, december 13, 2006

wi believe ien nofing!

wi believe ien nofing!
Originally uploaded by Blinky Pitz.
wel eens een broodje (kroket) geprobeerd te eten terwijl uwen neus vol zit met dikke drek?
vanwege de geluiden die ik daarbij maak ben ik gevraagd als special sounds mannetje bij verschillende films:

Camel trophy extreme: 20 jeeps vast in de modder (ggggh! ggggh! gggh!)

Sharks only bite sissies: twee diepzeeduikers ontdekken de diepte... van hun liefde (pffft? pffft!)

Mudmonsters: veel monsters in de modder (phgf! phgf! phggggf!)

Boundries of desire: rijke vrouw wordt verliefd op een Limburgse hindoe met stoflongen
"just a hour ago he said he loved me... and now he's in the morgue!" (pffffff.ffff.ffff.)

no sky to high: een spannende anti-terrorism actie met veel luchtballonnen (ik doe het geluid van de gasvlammen. pfffffffoei!)

zaterdag, december 09, 2006


Originally uploaded by Blinky Pitz.
sometimes you eat the b'ar...

donderdag, december 07, 2006

how to flip a pancake

how to flip a pancake
Originally uploaded by Blinky Pitz.
De edele kunst van het pannenkoekflikflakken

dinsdag, november 28, 2006


Originally uploaded by Blinky Pitz.
Daar ligt een fiets /
onder een bos takken /
Zeker van die meneer /
die dat ding rijdt /

Cut and Run, the Only Brave Thing to Do (a letter by Michael Moore)

All bombing is terrorism
Originally uploaded by Blinky Pitz.

Sunday, November 26th, 2006


Tomorrow marks the day that we will have been in Iraq longer than we were in all of World War II.

That's right. We were able to defeat all of Nazi Germany, Mussolini, and the entire Japanese empire in LESS time than it's taken the world's only superpower to secure the road from the airport to downtown Baghdad.

And we haven't even done THAT. After 1,347 days, in the same time it took us to took us to sweep across North Africa, storm the beaches of Italy, conquer the South Pacific, and liberate all of Western Europe, we cannot, after over 3 and 1/2 years, even take over a single highway and protect ourselves from a homemade device of two tin cans placed in a pothole. No wonder the cab fare from the airport into Baghdad is now running around $35,000 for the 25-minute ride. And that doesn't even include a friggin' helmet.

Is this utter failure the fault of our troops? Hardly. That's because no amount of troops or choppers or democracy shot out of the barrel of a gun is ever going to "win" the war in Iraq. It is a lost war, lost because it never had a right to be won, lost because it was started by men who have never been to war, men who hide behind others sent to fight and die.

Let's listen to what the Iraqi people are saying, according to a recent poll conducted by the University of Maryland:

** 71% of all Iraqis now want the U.S. out of Iraq.

** 61% of all Iraqis SUPPORT insurgent attacks on U.S. troops.

Yes, the vast majority of Iraqi citizens believe that our soldiers should be killed and maimed! So what the hell are we still doing there? Talk about not getting the hint.

There are many ways to liberate a country. Usually the residents of that country rise up and liberate themselves. That's how we did it. You can also do it through nonviolent, mass civil disobedience. That's how India did it. You can get the world to boycott a regime until they are so ostracized they capitulate. That's how South Africa did it. Or you can just wait them out and, sooner or later, the king's legions simply leave (sometimes just because they're too cold). That's how Canada did it.

The one way that DOESN'T work is to invade a country and tell the people, "We are here to liberate you!" -- when they have done NOTHING to liberate themselves. Where were all the suicide bombers when Saddam was oppressing them? Where were the insurgents planting bombs along the roadside as the evildoer Saddam's convoy passed them by? I guess ol' Saddam was a cruel despot -- but not cruel enough for thousands to risk their necks. "Oh no, Mike, they couldn't do that! Saddam would have had them killed!" Really? You don't think King George had any of the colonial insurgents killed? You don't think Patrick Henry or Tom Paine were afraid? That didn't stop them. When tens of thousands aren't willing to shed their own blood to remove a dictator, that should be the first clue that they aren't going to be willing participants when you decide you're going to do the liberating for them.

A country can HELP another people overthrow a tyrant (that's what the French did for us in our revolution), but after you help them, you leave. Immediately. The French didn't stay and tell us how to set up our government. They didn't say, "we're not leaving because we want your natural resources." They left us to our own devices and it took us six years before we had an election. And then we had a bloody civil war. That's what happens, and history is full of these examples. The French didn't say, "Oh, we better stay in America, otherwise they're going to kill each other over that slavery issue!"

The only way a war of liberation has a chance of succeeding is if the oppressed people being liberated have their own citizens behind them -- and a group of Washingtons, Jeffersons, Franklins, Ghandis and Mandellas leading them. Where are these beacons of liberty in Iraq? This is a joke and it's been a joke since the beginning. Yes, the joke's been on us, but with 655,000 Iraqis now dead as a result of our invasion (source: Johns Hopkins University), I guess the cruel joke is on them. At least they've been liberated, permanently.

So I don't want to hear another word about sending more troops (wake up, America, John McCain is bonkers), or "redeploying" them, or waiting four months to begin the "phase-out." There is only one solution and it is this: Leave. Now. Start tonight. Get out of there as fast as we can. As much as people of good heart and conscience don't want to believe this, as much as it kills us to accept defeat, there is nothing we can do to undo the damage we have done. What's happened has happened. If you were to drive drunk down the road and you killed a child, there would be nothing you could do to bring that child back to life. If you invade and destroy a country, plunging it into a civil war, there isn't much you can do 'til the smoke settles and blood is mopped up. Then maybe you can atone for the atrocity you have committed and help the living come back to a better life.

The Soviet Union got out of Afghanistan in 36 weeks. They did so and suffered hardly any losses as they left. They realized the mistake they had made and removed their troops. A civil war ensued. The bad guys won. Later, we overthrew the bad guys and everybody lived happily ever after. See! It all works out in the end!

The responsibility to end this war now falls upon the Democrats. Congress controls the purse strings and the Constitution says only Congress can declare war. Mr. Reid and Ms. Pelosi now hold the power to put an end to this madness. Failure to do so will bring the wrath of the voters. We aren't kidding around, Democrats, and if you don't believe us, just go ahead and continue this war another month. We will fight you harder than we did the Republicans. The opening page of my website has a photo of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, each made up by a collage of photos of the American soldiers who have died in Bush's War. But it is now about to become the Bush/Democratic Party War unless swift action is taken.

This is what we demand:

1. Bring the troops home now. Not six months from now. NOW. Quit looking for a way to win. We can't win. We've lost. Sometimes you lose. This is one of those times. Be brave and admit it.

2. Apologize to our soldiers and make amends. Tell them we are sorry they were used to fight a war that had NOTHING to do with our national security. We must commit to taking care of them so that they suffer as little as possible. The mentally and physically maimed must get the best care and significant financial compensation. The families of the deceased deserve the biggest apology and they must be taken care of for the rest of their lives.

3. We must atone for the atrocity we have perpetuated on the people of Iraq. There are few evils worse than waging a war based on a lie, invading another country because you want what they have buried under the ground. Now many more will die. Their blood is on our hands, regardless for whom we voted. If you pay taxes, you have contributed to the three billion dollars a week now being spent to drive Iraq into the hellhole it's become. When the civil war is over, we will have to help rebuild Iraq. We can receive no redemption until we have atoned.

In closing, there is one final thing I know. We Americans are better than what has been done in our name. A majority of us were upset and angry after 9/11 and we lost our minds. We didn't think straight and we never looked at a map. Because we are kept stupid through our pathetic education system and our lazy media, we knew nothing of history. We didn't know that WE were the ones funding and arming Saddam for many years, including those when he massacred the Kurds. He was our guy. We didn't know what a Sunni or a Shiite was, never even heard the words. Eighty percent of our young adults (according to National Geographic) were not able to find Iraq on the map. Our leaders played off our stupidity, manipulated us with lies, and scared us to death.

But at our core we are a good people. We may be slow learners, but that "Mission Accomplished" banner struck us as odd, and soon we began to ask some questions. Then we began to get smart. By this past November 7th, we got mad and tried to right our wrongs. The majority now know the truth. The majority now feel a deep sadness and guilt and a hope that somehow we can make make it all right again.

Unfortunately, we can't. So we will accept the consequences of our actions and do our best to be there should the Iraqi people ever dare to seek our help in the future. We ask for their forgiveness.

We demand the Democrats listen to us and get out of Iraq now.


Michael Moore

woensdag, november 15, 2006

last of the Beatnik Outlaws

last of the Beatnik Outlaws
Originally uploaded by Blinky Pitz.
I bought a new camera today, a Canon Eos 350D. There is no stopping me now! Well.. except a low battery.

dinsdag, november 14, 2006


Originally uploaded by Blinky Pitz.
posting this photo on flickr gave me (to my surprise) a whole bunch of positive reactions.
Sadly the longer I miss my mobile phone camera the more photo oppertunities I miss. Yesterday I saw a well-known politician on tour and today I missed a beautiful shot of a truck collecting glass. (uit de glasbak) grrrr.

vrijdag, november 10, 2006

from the Blinky Pitz Jazz collection

yesterday I lost my mobile phone, so no new pictures for a while. but I am going to practice my photoshop 'skills' making fake jazz records. I also could learn a foreign language but this is more fun.

zaterdag, november 04, 2006

James Avanti, paperbackgod.

James Avanti, paperbackgod.
Originally uploaded by Blinky Pitz.
Today I'm one happy camper! I found this book, while I didn't even knew it existed. James Avanti was an amazing artist who painted a great number of paperbackcovers. I only have a small number of them, but they are really inspiring. Piet Schreuders also published some other works (about paperbacks) that I own . Maybe I'll give the book it to my wife so I'll get it back for Christmas...

woensdag, november 01, 2006

humble bee

Originally uploaded by Blinky Pitz.
Also spelled bumble bee, also known as humblebee

vrijdag, oktober 27, 2006


Originally uploaded by Blinky Pitz.
a drawing I made inspired by Taschen's Tiki style

woensdag, oktober 25, 2006


Originally uploaded by Blinky Pitz.
Lijkt overbodig maar is toch een goed idee als je een tram bent!

maandag, oktober 16, 2006

grandma in a big mofo car

Originally uploaded by Blinky Pitz.
I found this photo in a old scrapbook, along with some others. A Flickr contact thought it might be a 31 Chevy roadster but I havent a bleeping clue how a car like that got in Zeeland in The Netherlands in 1935. But hey, my gran looks pretty happy.

donderdag, oktober 12, 2006

treasure chest

treasure chest
Originally uploaded by Blinky Pitz.
I've just found my 'treasure chest' back in a box. not that I really lost it of course. Maybe just a tad misplaced. check the notes on flickr for more details.

dinsdag, oktober 03, 2006

mocht ik een superheld zijn dan was ik
overdag een eenvoudige, sobere gemeentearchief ambtenaar maar des avonds...

taratarataratarataratarataratara yeah

zaterdag, september 30, 2006

Van Melle tin

Van Melle tin
Originally uploaded by Blinky Pitz.
I enherited this Van Melle pineapple showcase tin from my grandmother. She told me it was a storeshowcase for candy. Van Melle still is a candyfactory in the Netherlands.

the sunset from our apartement

Underwood typewriter

Underwood typewriter
Originally uploaded by Blinky Pitz.
My Underwood typewriter that I bought a couple of years ago at the 'scription' museum in Tilburg. I love working on it, even if my wife is the only one who can replace the ribbon.

dinsdag, september 26, 2006

strange man in Charlie Chiu's

strange man in Charlie Chiu's
Originally uploaded by Blinky Pitz.
This somewhat strange man with ENORMOUS rings sat polishing something in Charlie Chiu's fastfood restaurant. Later he sort of disguised himself with big sunglasses and a blue baseballcap with a big gold badge.
I love Charlie Chiu's.

maandag, september 25, 2006

harvest time

Originally uploaded by Blinky Pitz.
In the field of opportunity
It's plowin' time again.

(Neil Young)

maandag, september 18, 2006

Lee Marvin

Lee Marvin
Originally uploaded by Blinky Pitz.
Marvin is one of my all-time heroes. There aint no tough cookies like him in cinema no more.
cool marvin link:

central station

central station
Originally uploaded by Blinky Pitz.
this man is often standing behind central station in Rotterdam. I wonder what he is waiting for.

zaterdag, september 16, 2006

windmill The Three Cornflowers in Schiedam

Schiedam has the highest windmills in the world. They had to be, because of all the warehouses of the jenever-industrie. for more info on the windmills visit

woensdag, september 13, 2006

picture this

picture this
Originally uploaded by Blinky Pitz.
I was on the train with a achitect or some sort of cityplanner, when he left the carriage for a phonecall I made this picture. He left his colouringpencils with he was using to colour his building plans on the little desk in front of the window.
Michael Madsen on MTV's Cribs

cool guy, nice house, like the Steve McQueen poster, shirt; not so much.

zondag, september 10, 2006

Faded Glory

Faded Glory
Originally uploaded by lapidim.
on Flickr you can find the most amazing photo's, and its quite addictive.


Originally uploaded by Blinky Pitz.
een lichte kamer

doe mn best om niet te dromen
van een huis gevuld met goud
door de literatuur die in stromen
de planken vult en ons behoudt.

zaterdag, september 09, 2006

boeken rond het paleis

boeken rond het paleis
Originally uploaded by Blinky Pitz.

I thought of this picture of the pile of books I bought at a bookfair in my hometown not long ago, when I was reading this article about the books famous people loved in college.

For me that book was Henry Miller's Tropic of Capricorn, and I carried my copy with me where-ever I went. I'm still a reading maniac but seldom have encountered a book that took me in like Capricorn.

donderdag, september 07, 2006

hotrodbeurs Antwerpen

hotrodbeurs Antwerpen
Originally uploaded by Blinky Pitz.
This is me, about a year ago, talking to a hotrodder about his passion. I used the endresult for my 'gratuation paper' and gratuated in radio from the school of journalism. Until now I haven't succeeded in finding a job as a radio-editor or reporter but I'm happy with my current job as webeditor.

zaterdag, augustus 26, 2006

Old car yard tour,hotrods, custom, rat rod potential!
man, I'd kill for a car like that. even if its a wreck. just look at them curves!

woensdag, augustus 23, 2006


Here is a picture of pencils made by cartoonist Stefan Verwey. They are made of trees. He's been working on them for TWENTY YEARS in between drawings. It also takes twenty years to grow a tree so thats what you might call a long-term-project.


I've just put garlands and Wodka on my shoppinglist. That's really all you need for a party. whoehoeee

zondag, augustus 20, 2006


Vorige week zag ik de Presidents of the United states of America live in Tilburgs 013. Gaaf concert!

zaterdag, augustus 19, 2006

ready steady start

ready steady start! easy peasy, lemon squizy.